

Welcome to the administrative district "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge"

Dear visitors,

welcome to the website of the administrative district "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge".

The area of the district extends from the south of Dresden to the border of the Czech Republic. The district’s size is 1.654,18 km² and its seat is located in Pirna. 36 towns and municipalities, including the four major towns of Pirna, Freital, Dippoldiswalde and Sebnitz belong to the district.

We provide up-to-date information about the large variety of the district’s services and current events in situ with our internet performance. Our intention is that you will find immediately the information which you are looking for.

At News and Press you will find the press releases of the district, the latest news about the district’s area and additionally the official journal of the district.

The column Administrative District provides information about the district, its municipalities and the administrative building which was reconstructed from 2009 until 2011 at Pirna-Sonnenstein.

At Citizen’s Service you will find the contact persons and the task assignments of the district administration of the district “Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge”. You can also find information about what to do where.

The column Economy provides information about the business locations in the district and informs you about the possibilities to develop a business, about the countryside and in addition about tourism in the district.

I wish you a pleasant stay at our website of the administrative district "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge".

Yours faithfully

Michael Geisler
Administrative Head of the District "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge"

Information & facts

The area of the district extends from the south of Dresden to the border of the Czech Republic.

The district’s size is 1.654,20 km2 and its seat is located in Pirna. 36 towns and municipalities, including the four major towns of Pirna, Freital, Dippoldiswalde and Sebnitz belong to the district.

  • area: 1.654,20 km² (source: Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen, 31.12.2022)
  • population: 246.204 (source: Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen, 31.12.2022)
  • population density: 149 per km² (source: Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen, 31.12.2022)
  • municipalities:
    • 36 municipalities
    • 19 towns
    • including the four major towns
  • Administrative Head: Michael Geisler
  • number plate: PIR
  • extension:
    • North-South: 41 km
    • East-West: 69 km
  • The centre of the district (regarding the extension) is in the municipality of Bahretal at the foot of the mountain Bahraberg in the direction of Friedrichswalde-Ottendorf at the district road K 8757.
  • northernmost point: at the boundary of Stolpen
  • easternmost point: in Hinterhermsdorf / part of Sebnitz
  • southernmost point: in Altenberg
  • westernmost point: in Wilsdruff
For more information see:

Business location

The district "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge" is an interesting business location with a remarkable variety of sectors
The district is economically characterised by the Glashütte watchmaking industry as well as steel, paper and glass production. Also the traditional handicrafts and the agricultural farming are particularly important, especially in the countryside. A large part of the economy is predominated by tourism. Popular skiing areas in Altenberg, Geising or Holzhau and well developed hiking areas in the Elbsandsteingebirge (Elbe Sandstone Mountains), e. g. the "Malerweg" ("Painters' Way") offer locals and tourists again and again the fascinating wonders of nature.
Favourable transport connections exist on road, waterway and railroad. There are various industrial estates for the establishment of businesses in the district. One of the linking elements is the motorway A 17. In December 2006 the part of the A 17, which runs through the district Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, was opened up.
Right next to the state capital of Dresden, which is both, a location for science and research and a cultural city, the beautiful landscape and the various leisure time and cultural activities as well as educational opportunities in situ, produce a special quality of location.
For more information see: Economy and tourism